In 1961, Carol Taylor and Marquetta Haynes envisioned a Links Chapter in Tulsa. Many months and hours were spent thinking, planning, and being encouraged by friends who were Links in other cities.

A new chapter had to be accepted and sponsored by the nearest established Chapter before the application could be submitted and voted on by Chapters at the National Assembly.


Oklahoma City was the only Oklahoma Chapter, so Carol and Marquetta made several trips to Langston to discuss with Oklahoma City Chapter members, Sadie Washington and Dorothy Harrison, the possibility of a Tulsa Chapter. Links Harrison and Washington were personally encouraging and eventually the Oklahoma City Links agreed to sponsor the Tulsa Chapter, providing they approved the quality of membership. ​

With this encouragement and guided by Sadie Washington, Dorothy Harrison, and Allie Randolph – Carol and Marquetta included friends Marquerite Palm, Myrtle Elliott, and Anita Christopher. Together they held regular meetings once a month, paid $5.00 per month dues, and planned and discussed future memberships and details of the Link organization.​

The Pals Club operated for two or three years before Oklahoma City Links advised that Tulsa submit five more names to total the membership to the ten needed for a new chapter. Anita Hairston, Frankie Taylor, Mae Kathryn Copeland, Lois McMillon, and Troy Tibbs were chosen.​

Tulsa’s application was accepted by the National Assembly and on December 4, 1964, Dr. Anna Julian, National Vice President, and the Oklahoma City Links and Connecting Links came to Tulsa for a Link Workshop and a social fellowship with Tulsa Links and Connecting Links at the Mayo Hotel. On December 5, 1964, Tulsa Chapter was officially installed.​

The officers elected were Carol Taylor, President; Marquerite Palm, Vice President; Mae Kathryn Copeland, Recording Secretary, Anita Christopher, Corresponding Secretary; Marquetta Haynes, Treasurer; Myrtle Elliott, Publicity; Anita Hairstonn, Historian and Frankie Taylor, Parliamentarian. ​

This new chapter furnished a room at the community Y.M.C.A.; sponsored Fine Arts Programs and Political Awareness Seminars; gave several educational scholarships; and organized “The Chainette Club” (made up of deprived girls from grades 6 thru 12), and introduced and provided Cultural experiences for them.​

The Tulsa Links Chapter grew from 10 to 25 active members after 21 years of establishment. Since our inception the Tulsa Chapter of the Links, Incorporated has expanded. We continue to serve our community and carry on the rich tradition of The Links, Incorporated. 


The Links, Inc. Founded


Tulsa (OK) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated


Members of The Links, Incorporated


Number of Local Chapters


Number of Tulsa Members



Connect with us to learn more about The Tulsa (OK) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated.

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