The outstanding programming of The Links, Incorporated has five facets. The programs are implemented through strategies such as public information and education, economic development, and public policy campaigns.

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Services to Youth

The Links, Incorporated created its first program facet, Services to Youth, to equip African American children to use their intellect and spirit of achievement to indeed walk with their fellows in leading the way.

The Services to Youth Facet is an integrated approach to preparing young people to succeed and lead in the 21st-century workforce.


Health and Human Services

The mission of the Health and Human Services facet is: To promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health; and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and equitable access to health resources.

This facet brings greater focus, resources, and opportunities for collaboration to existing health-related initiatives of The Links, Incorporated.


The Arts


The Links support of The Arts can be traced to our cultured co-founder Margaret Roselle Hawkins. Her innate artistic talent, discovered at a young age, earned her a four-year scholarship to the Women’s School of Design, later known as the Moore Institute of Art.

The goal of The Arts facet is to increase and expand art activity and elevate our programs through arts integration and effectively create an arts renaissance within our organization and programmatic efforts.


National Trends & Services

“Empowering People; Transforming Lives!” The vision of the National Trends and Services facet is to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers to services through advocacy, education, and service. The mission is to empower our chapters to effectively empower the communities in which we work. The goals include increasing the number of sustainable and measurable programs; increasing collaborative partnerships; and extending our existing initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need.


International Trends & Services

The foremost goal of the International Trends and Services facet is to provide opportunities for tangible service in other countries. Our “boots on the ground” approach provides for more personalized methods for assisting and improving the lives of women, children, and men worldwide through long-term programs committed to empowerment and public policy leadership in advocating for social justice. All programmatic components of the facet are delivered through measurable and sustainable service delivery methods that reach women and their families.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Kimberly Beasley


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The Tulsa (OK) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated partnered with Assistance League of Tulsa and volunteered at Operation School Bell.

Students from John Hope Franklin Elementary School were provided the opportunity to shop and be fitted for clothing items on the list. All items were brand new, in packaging with tags. Volunteers assisted as the students tried on their new clothing in separate dressing rooms. Their faces lit up with smiles when they looked at themselves in the mirror.

The Links were warmly welcomed and invited to come again!


The Tulsa (OK) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated facilitated the initial kickoff for their mentoring program.

​The objective was to share the purpose and goals of the STEAM initiative and the members of the Facets shared how they addressed each component last year.

​S-Science-Health and Human Services
T-Technology-International Trends and Services
E-Engineering-Services to Youth
A-Arts-The Arts
M-Math-National Trends and Services

The students were very engaged and excited for the coming school year.

Doing my part to decrease the stigma associated with mental illness so people go from surviving to thriving.
— Nicole Washington, DO
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The mission of the Health and Human Services facet is: To promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health; and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and equitable access to health resources.

This facet brings greater focus, resources, and opportunities for collaboration to existing health-related initiatives of The Links, Incorporated.




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Sisters are like stars, you can’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.
— Kimberly Dyer


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One of the main goals of The Arts facet of the Tulsa Chapter is to increase the knowledge and appreciation of creative writing through educational and engaging writing experiences among high school students in and around the North Tulsa community. The students will be engaged in the Young Masters’ Writers Program, which promotes participation, pride, and achievement in creative writing among high school students of African ancestry.

The YMWP is a two-year program. During the first year of the program, students will be interacting in mentor sessions with local published authors and college professors to gain useful tips and insights about the art of writing. Participants will also experience field trips to local poetry events, competitions, art exhibits, and more to enhance their passion and appreciation for The Arts.

Local participants receive cash prizes, gifts, certificates, and other awards for their participation and will have the prospect of having their work spotlighted in a local publication. They go on to have the opportunity to have their winning poetry/essay entered into the National Young Master Writers Competition where their work will be among thousands of young national participants.

After a successful completion of the first year experience, students will enter The Links, Inc. National Young Master’s Writers Competition which runs biennially. The unique voices of competition entrants shed light on their lives, covering topics such as bullying, heritage, love, community, history, pop culture, and politics. By encouraging budding authors and poets, the program seeks to develop a cadre of young and future writers whose work will continue to make an impact long after the competition is over. The Tulsa (OK) Chapter has had participants enter the National Competition and look to increase Tulsa's exposure and participation on the National level.

Something about National Trends. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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In life’s journey, let us embody sisterly love as we extend compassion: guiding the idle to purpose, uplifting the disheartened, strengthening the weak, and embracing patience in every encounter.
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Giving and helping allows you to build stronger connections with other people, especially those within your community.
— Kimyatta Elliott
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Our partners are passionate about their involvement with the Tulsa (OK) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated and play a critical role in helping our organization of accomplished, dedicated women work toward the realization of making the name “Links” not only a chain of friendship but also a chain of purposeful service. There are numerous ways to form a partnership with The Links, Incorporated. We invite you to join us in partnership as we impact the lives of countless men, women, and children through our program facets, Services to Youth, The Arts, National Trends and Services, International Trends and Services, and Health and Human Services.



If you are interested in partnering with the Tulsa (OK) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, contact us today!

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